(Six degrees?) Movie stars, European Council, lifestyle blogger and plane crash

My country is very interesting. There are some facts (sometimes sad other times entertaining) that are not always well known to the foreigners. Like for example what is the connection between movie stars, European Council, lifestyle blogger and the Polish Air plane crash? See below points that explain this in easy steps.

Twins Lech and Jarosław Kaczyńscy are a part of history of Poland.
  • Lech was a president of Poland from 23 December 2005 and 10 April 2010 (died tragically during 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash. )
  • During that time his twin brother Jarosław was a Prime Minister of Poland between 4 July 2006 and 16 November 2007.
From left: President Lech Kaczyński and Jarosław Kaczyński, pic source
  • During their childhood years they played leading roles in a movie titled 'O dwóch takich co ukradli ksieżyc' that translates into 'About the two that have stolen the moon'. It is one of the classics and a must see polish movies.
  • The last name 'Kaczynski' starts with word 'kaczy' that can be translated to english into 'duck's'

More or less at the same time in polish politics there was Donald Tusk who was Prime Minister of Poland 16 November 2007 – 22 September 2014. Donald is a name. He is now the President of the European Council.

Many people joked around that not only there is a Donald in the polish parliament but also a duck (because of the twin politicians last names) bringing together the Donald Duck in the politics of Poland.

Donald's daughter is a polish fashion and lifestyle blogger running one of the most followed blog in Poland.
