Reksio is a Polish cartoon character from the TV animated series by the same title. Created by Polish director Lechosław Marszałek between 1967 and 1990 in a Cartoon Movies Studio (Studio Filmów Rysunkowych) in Bielsko-Biała. The same studio also released other famous polish cartoons such as 'Bolek and Lolek'. All 65of Reksio's episodes describe adventures of a friendly, piebald terrier dog and his interactions with animal friends - hens, cats, other dogs and their owners. Reksio is a very children friendly cartoon. For many years in Poland it used to be played as "dobranocka" - a goodnight cartoon.
Nowadays a number of gadgets can be found in stores around Poland. Cups, cute stationery, movies and action figures and even some corn chips.
There is also a monument of Reksio in Bielsko-Biała city. It is 90 cm tall and 130 kg heavy monument and fountain located between 11 listopada street and S.Stojałowskiego street near 'Biała' (white) river.
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