I have a lot of friends from different countries. If you are not from here you probably wonder why do we give out certain gifts to you. You might not actually consider them polish but to us they are the tradition. Here is the list of gifts that a polish person would give to his/hers foreign friend and the explanation behind it. I divided them into food and non food category (another post), random order.

FOOD - Sweets:

1. PTASIE MLECZKO (Bird's milk)

Delicious waffle cake with chocolate and nut filling. It is dangerous for the people on diet as is is soooooo good. I mean soooo damn good. Once you start you cannot stop. 


Small version from the 2nd point except they are not coated with milk chocolate. Divided into small portions. Easy to eat. Great as a sweets to share with co-workers

Chocolate barrels filled with real alkohol.

Kind of like jaffa cakes - it is a jelly on a top of a sponge cake coated with chocolate. Very office friendly.

6. Wedel brand chocolates with different kinds of fillings inside

My favourite one is the bajeczna (from the word 'bajka' - a fairly tale). This is filled with waffles and nuts. Yummy! It sells also as a small candy bar.

7. Anything else from this brand like mix of Wedel candies

WHY? Because the Wedel (now taken over by Lotte company) was (is) the old and traditional chocolate factory. Wedel is based in Warsaw.

In different polish cities there are still different polish sweets factories that produce the oldies but goodies. You would receive probably the sweets from the factory situated the closest to your friend's home city. I am based in Warsaw so Wedel would be my first choice.

These are the stuff that we considered exclusive or non like the sweets you can buy in other countries. This is our childhood and our history. We bought them to celebrate with our families and friends. We wanna show them to you and tell you that this was invented by our praline makers and we want you to taste it.

Sweets from other brands:


It can be plane or with fruit jam inside. My favourite one is he gingerbread coated with white chocolate and with berry filling inside from the 'Kopernik' brand. So freacking awesome. The city of Toruń is considered the hometown of the gingerbread.

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10. ŚLIWKA NAŁĘCZOWSKA from 'Solidarność' brand  (don't mix the name Solidarność with the labour unions as they are called similar but are not tied to one another).

A dried prune coated with truffle and milk chocolate. There is no other like this. This company produces the best ones.

11. Malaga, Tikitaki and Kasztanki from the 'Wawel' brand.

Delicious pralines (Wawel released chocolates with the same flavours as well). My friends usually enjoy the ones in the orange foil. With nuts and waffle.

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